AI Created Art

All across the world of the internet decries of contreversial statements are in play when it comes to AI created art. If you haven’t noticed, people are up in arms over a popular app called Lensa. The app, designed to be a fun way of taking personal images and turning them into works of art, literally. After uploading several selfies, the app produces your likeness in a myriad of images such as a superhero, or other neat poses. So why is there so much hostility towards the app?

Behind the application, lay a much more sinister accusation surrounding the data used to teach the AI how to create the artistic images. And this is where the controversy is inserted. Some have claimed that Lensa, and the powered software used or uses others art to learn without their assumed permission. Thus, bringing into question the legality of copyrighted images. The app uses sourced images to continuously learn and improve, but without giving due credit or even full on permission. In some posts, the app has been shown to display its works with the original artists signature embedded. Is it stealing? It certainly has raised the ethical question of just how far should AI go.

At this moment in time, it is my opinion more is needed to understand the brain power behind the neural engine. Where are these images truly being sourced from and Lensa should be transparent about their AI. If its copying or using others works without permission then yes, it’s a clear violation. At no time should a computer create images or the likeness of an image based on the works of other professionals. Now, if it’s taking images from users who have consented, then I see nothing wrong and am quite impressed by the crafting power of an AI system.

It certainly is a testament to how far we have and continue to push technology. Like anything, we future proof ourselves when we create efficient systems to help us through out daily living. It begs the question, though, is it infringing on creative artists? As a professional artist myself, the jury is still out.


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